Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
The Carbon Energy Fund released a tender to select Innovation Partners to work with NHS Trusts across the UK to identify Low Carbon Heat opportunities. We were selected as preferred Partner by the CEF and Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust for the Salisbury Hospital.
Work has been ongoing since mid-2023 to determine the Feasibility of heat supply to the Hospital. As part of this, the project team have carried out a seismic acquisition program in the area as well as reprocessing over 700km of legacy data captured over the past 40 years. Pre applications have been made with appropriate regulators including the local planning authority and environment agency.
The hospital has a heat requirement of approximately 30GWhrs per annum which is expected to be fully served by a geothermal plant. As we approach the end of the Feasibility stage, the team are preparing indicative commercial terms for the supply of heat on a long term basis, which (if accepted) will be followed by applications for planning consents and securing of necessary permits for operation, detailed design and procurement. Based on current indications of timing, construction of a new well site might start as early as late 2025 with heat available to the Hospital in early 2027.
The project team and the Trust are currently reviewing the potential for grant applications to the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme and/or the Green Heat Network Fund.