Health & Safety

Health and safety is integral to our business and we are committed to maintain a positive safety culture across our business.

Committed to continuous improvement

We operate to established company and industry standards and processes which ensure provision of safe and responsible working practices across all our operational activities. These company standards encompass all aspects of our Health, Safety and Environmental management obligations, and are designed to meet and exceed the expectations of our employees, external contractors, government regulators, joint venture partners and the communities with whom we interface.

Our internal health and safety policies are aimed at

Ensuring healthy working conditions within an environment of complete security for employees and contractors

Implementing operating standards that are legally and ethically compatible


Control of Major Accident Hazard (COMAH) Regulations 2015

‘COMAH’ Regulations were first introduced in Great Britain in 1999, replacing the Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1984 (COMAH). COMAH 1999 have since been superseded by COMAH 2015.

Further information about the COMAH regime

COMAH Regulations

COMAH Regulations are designed to fulfil two key functions:

  • prevent major incidents involving dangerous substances
  • limit the consequences to people and the environment of any that could occur


For definitions of Hazard and Risk, please see FAQs

RoSPA 2020 – Gold Award

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents